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Adding an SDK

The SDKs are powered by OpenTelemetry under the hood, and therefore report data to our deployed opentelemetry collector. For a better understanding of the architecture, take a look at the architecture page for a diagram of how data is sent to the collector and the public graph.

In our SDKs, we instantiate the following constructs to exports data over OTLP HTTPS to and respectively.

  • TracerProvider - sets the global otel sdk configuration for traces

  • BatchSpanProcessor - batches traces so they are exported in sets

  • OTLPSpanExporter - exports traces to our collector over OTLP HTTPS

  • LoggerProvider - sets the global otel sdk configuration for logs

  • BatchLogRecordProcessor - batches logs so they are exported in sets

  • OTLPLogExporter - exports logs to our collector over OTLP HTTPS

  • The SDK provides common methods for recording exceptions or logging, but this may depend on the language. For example, in Golang, a logger hook API is provided to be configured by the application, but in Python, we automatically ingest a hook into the built in logging package.

    Recording an Error

    Data we send over the OpenTelemetry specification is as a Trace with attributes set per the semantic conventions. When we create a Trace, we set three additional SpanAttributes to carry the Highlight context:

  • highlight.project_id - Highlight Project ID provided to the SDK

  • highlight.session_id - Session ID provided as part of the X-Highlight-Request header on the network request

  • highlight.trace_id - Request ID provided as part of the X-Highlight-Request header on the network request

  • Reporting an Error as an OTEL Trace

    An exception is represented in OpenTelemetry as a Trace Event, per the semantic convention for exceptions.

    Many OpenTelemetry SDK implementations offer a span.record_exception(exc) method that automatically populates the semantic convention attributes with the correct values.

    # create a trace for the current invocation with self.tracer.start_as_current_span("highlight-ctx") as span: span.set_attributes({"highlight.project_id": _project_id}) span.set_attributes({"highlight.session_id": session_id}) span.set_attributes({"highlight.trace_id": request_id}) try: # contextmanager yields execution to the code using the contextmanager yield except Exception as e: # if an exception is raised, record it on the current span span.record_exception(e) raise
    Reporting a Log as an OTEL Trace

    If a language's OpenTelemetry SDK does not support sending logs natively, we choose to send the message data as a Trace Event.

  • Event name - log

  • log.severity event attribute - the log severity level string

  • log.message event attribute - the log message payload.

  • To associate the highlight context with a log, we use the LogRecord Attributes with the following convention:

  • highlight.project_id - Highlight Project ID provided to the SDK

  • highlight.session_id - Session ID provided as part of the X-Highlight-Request header on the network request

  • highlight.trace_id - Request ID provided as part of the X-Highlight-Request header on the network request

  • package main import "" func RecordLog(log string) { span, _ := highlight.StartTrace(context.TODO(), "highlight-go/logrus") defer highlight.EndTrace(span) attrs := []attribute.KeyValue{ LogSeverityKey.String("ERROR"), LogMessageKey.String(entry.Message), } span.AddEvent(highlight.LogEvent, trace.WithAttributes(attrs...)) }
    Recording a Log

    If an SDK supports the experimental logs ingest endpoint (v1/logs), prefer using that. Otherwise, see above for reporting the log as a trace event.

    A LogRecord is exported with an associated trace. Specific attributes for the file logging, line number, and more are set based on the logging semantic convention keys.

    Here's an example of the interception of python logging calls in our Python SDK to emit an OTEL LogRecord.

    attributes = span.attributes.copy() attributes["code.function"] = record.funcName attributes["code.namespace"] = record.module attributes["code.filepath"] = record.pathname attributes["code.lineno"] = record.lineno r = LogRecord( timestamp=int(record.created * 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0), trace_id=ctx.trace_id, span_id=ctx.span_id, trace_flags=ctx.trace_flags, severity_text=record.levelname, severity_number=std_to_otel(record.levelno), body=record.getMessage(), resource=span.resource, attributes=attributes, )